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How effective is Alamy's action against unauthorized image uses? Is it worth making all your photos exclusive just for being involved in Alamy's service? The article was created based on the company's blog post "Protecting Alamy content against copyright infringements".

Mit tesz az Alamy a jogosulatlan kép használatok kiderítése érdekében? | WahaviBlog a stock fotózásról

    Some key points in the article published by Alamy

    • It is estimated that 80% of the photos on the Internet are used illegally, without paying royalties.
    • Alamy has created a so called Infringements Team that, with the help of external companies, deals with illegal image uses.
    • In half a year, hundreds of thousands of pounds were paid to contributors as the result of the investigations.
    • Only photos that are exclusive at Alamy are involved in image theft or infringement investigations.

    The original article was published on Alamy's own website "Protecting Alamy content against copyright infringements".
    If you experience or suspect an infringement, please write to infringements@alamy.com or fill out the form in your Alamy user account.

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    Post Author

    Viktor Wallon-Hárs (wahavi)

    Photography has always been part of our family life. I have memories of my father dealing with those old glass slides, preparing them for our projector.

    Later I took photos during summer holidays and school trips.

    Now, in the era of stock photography, I dug myself into it to learn the basics and also the secrets how to earn more and more money doing what I love.